Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday Afternoon on Rich Mountain

Hello! This day hike began at the Rich Mtn. trail head off of Rich Mtn. road, which is still closed for the Cades Cove work expected to wrap-up on the 24th of this month, April. The weather was wonderful as it actually cooled in the last few days. So with temperatures in the 60's up here and skies PC, and a nice breeze I enjoyed an undisturbed walk for approximately 5 mls. roundtrip. The route today took me to Cerulean Knob where I got this photo of LeConte I believe.
I've taken pictures of this peak before and figured it was either Clingmans or LeConte, and assuming what I saw on another web site is correct, and reviewing the pictures I'd say LeConte. (
Along the walk I noticed streams in places I'd never seen or heard them despite being 3 inches below average for the calendar year in these parts. As Meg the Hiker noted in her last entry with temperatures above the norm; 20 degrees plus on some days, earlier this week and last, this has cut short the time of some early blooms. However this Bloodroot looks great!

1 comment:

  1. Goddamn, that's a beautiful picture. Definitely Clingman's Dome.


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