Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chestnut Top Today

This walk along the Chestnut Top Trail began on the School House Gap side of it's length, which extends from there, 4.3 miles to the Townsend 'Y'. From the car and approx. 2 miles along the trail this was a 5 mile+ RT walk along the ridge line. It was moderate to easy and offered some nice vistas even w/ the summer foilage. The most difficult part of the hike would be from the car to the trailhead. I saw Thunderhead Mtn., which is visable from this trail, and was allowed different perspectives of this for about 1/2 mile along the route. Or at least until I turned around. Some noise from motor traffic at times from Hwy #321, Townsend, yet it was not nearly what I had feared. Several times before I've approached this trail and not followed it because of pre-concieved conclusions which had little validity. Hmmmm? Heck, this was the middle of the summer, on a sunny Sunday and the noise pollution was not a problem any more than one encounters along other trails in the GSMNP.
This trail was well kept and, as the "lil' brown trail book" points out, will have many more wide vistas during the winter. Great trail for a longer RT, (8.6 mls., from School Hs.Gp. to the 'Y', and back), and one I'll try later, maybe in the fall.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I really like that pictures of the plants in the last few entrys. It reminds me that the magnificent beauty seen in this area is also in the samll things not only the mountains and streams. Rock on!


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