Saturday, March 2, 2019

Little Bottoms Trail Monday 2/25/19

This was a beautiful day for a walk in the woods! Mostly sunny with temps in the 50's, and the only other person I saw when I arrived at the Abram's Creek parking area to begin my hike was leaving.
With all the recent rains there were lots of puddles, wet weather streams*, with elevated water levels in the regular water sources.

I covered about 4mls in this hike which started at the Abram's Creek parking area down by the Ranger's residence, and continued along the Little Bottoms trail. A beautiful walk along the creek, which was much more like a river this day, and I was enticed to go ahead and get in the water, and so I did! Temperatures outside were in the 50's and the water was much colder so I didn't stay in long but I did it.
This trail would be considered difficult with the steep inclines, narrow paths along steep mountain sides at times, and some rough rocky trail surfaces along the way. However for the frequent hiker with some experience navigating varying surfaces it's a pretty enjoyable walk.
Little Bottoms trail will lead you to camping area #17; which sits along side of Abram's Creek, and is about 4 mls. from the parking area.

*This is the type of stream that only runs when there is lots of rain.


  1. That starts the same place as the Rabbit Creek crossing? I see a loop in my future?

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