Monday, May 25, 2009

Past The People

Today after speaking with a Ranger at Sugarlands, where I volunteer 1 day a week, who told me of an old growth forest, I decided to hike the Laurel Falls trail and go beyond the falls, and all the holiday traffic on this trail. The pavement ends at the falls but the trail continues which I followed to the intersection with Little Greenbrier trail(3.1 mls) and just about a quarter mile towards Cove Mtn. Making this a RT hike of approximately 7 mls, with a gain in elevation of about 1300'. Though a thousand of which was gained in less than 2 mls after passing the falls.
After getting a hundred or so yards past the most visited waterfalls in the park I only saw 3 people and was able to enjoy; without distraction, the area of old growth less than a mile beyond the falls. Pretty awesome trees and in a relatively lightly traveled area. Beyond the falls that is.
On October 4th of last year I had come from the Little Greenbrier trail head near the Metcalf Bottoms area up to the intersection with Laurel Falls trail and had wondered if I'd ever see the section of trail between there and the falls. Well I have and enjoyed the walk a bunch! Peace.
(Just to note, to avoid any affiliation between wemaybeback and the GSMNP I have chosen not to post the pictures I took of one of the large trees, w/ me beside it for reference, because I was wearing my park uniform)

1 comment:

  1. That is a pleasant hike once past the people.


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