Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tennessee River Gorge Section, Cumberland Plateau Trail

This hike begins at Signal Point, Signal Mountain, Tennessee. Foggy and crisp-cold at noontime, beautiful monotone colors and ghostly waterfall across the gorge. Did not walk very far today, honoring the time constraint of a fellow traveler. This is my first entry. Have forgotten the titles of a few of the milestones particularly the waterfall (a woman's name...) but distinctly remember Middle Creek Bridge which crosses the creek below the aqueduct about 1.8 miles from trailhead. Had not noticed before today the character of the trail, the rocky terrain, feet dipping in and out of fallen leaves, perhaps hidden obstacles. I walk too fast. In fact, Patti asked me to slow down..... Nothing like a (somewhat) familiar trail through the eyes of a first-time visitor. Where is Rainbow Lake? Before making our excursion, a few friends asked if we were "going that far?" Not today; approximately one hour out and back.


  1. He has hiked that great trail a few times. Says it's close proximity to the city, wonderful views and varied wild systems make gives hikers the opportunity to learn even when they're not trying. Peace

  2. Hey, have y'all ever taken that trail all the way through to Prentice Cooper?


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