Friday, May 24, 2019

Rabitt Creek Trail

Well dudes and Dudettes the bridge is still out which makes for a real stream crossing right after you get in the woods so don't tie your boots when you get out of your vehicle. Seriously.
This immediate crossing of Abrams Creek, also dissuades some from hiking this route and thus makes it a pleasant choice. I must admit it has stopped me from going that way more than once because I am lazy. However I am blessed with the gifts of Southern Appalachia along this route every time I make the effort.

It's really not a big deal when I am prepared. When planning to take this route I carry a small dry towel to wipe my feet with once I reach the other side as the shores are usually muddy, and I have a hiking pole or pick up a solid branch to use for support in the current. And the water is not that deep, maybe two to three feet in spots, unless there has been a recent rain.
Really cool hike today! In the heat of the day it was nice to be under the canopy much of the way as I made my way into the intersection with Hannah Mtn trail and campsite #16, (2.5mls). I rested here and returned the way I came enjoying the views thru the trees as the route descended.
The Rabbit Creek trail dose not have switchbacks, but rather long inclines are what should be expected for much of the first 2mls. where the trail begins it's approximate .5 ml descent onto the Hannah Mtn trail. So this approach to Rabbit Creek trail would be considered difficult by some. However if you take your time and not try to keep an extreme pace I think most properly equipped and healthy folks can cover it.

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