Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Somewhere in the Smokies

Last time I was here we saw no one, but this time there were several other hikers. Therefore, I will keep it to myself as to exactly where we were. It is a great corundrum, balancing getting people into the wild so that others will be active in protecting our great outdoors and keeping special places, special.

Sunday turned into a wonderful day after some hard rains on Saturday. The creeks had already run clear and were low enough to make rock hopping possible. About a mile into the hike I noticed dafodils in bloom. My Grandfather, a forest ranger before he retired, used to point to them and say, "This was someones homeplace at one time." After a short investigation we did find eveidence of rocks piled by human hands. Probably a collapased chimney.

Further along we stopped by the side of the stream and talked, I noted how I felt that it was deeply ingrained in my physic to meld with the wild places. I always felt peaceful and quite when in them. Near where we stopped were the reminants of a cable and the cable dog that sometime in this centery was used to shuttle logs across the creek as well as the rusting remains of several old barrels.


  1. Wow! Sounds great, did you see "James the Walker", or Likity along the way?

  2. Wow! Sounds great, did you see "James the Walker", or Likity along the way?


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