Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Forecast was for clear and cold!

This hike up the Lumber Ridge Trail was on Friday the 8th of this month and the forecast was calling for clear and cold conditions. Well as you have probably noticed from the photo's things changed! Though it was a surprise to some degree to notice snow flurries as the "Mysterious One" and I left the house and to arrive at the trailhead where the snow was falling steady, we just got more excited and appreciative for the unique nature of the Appalachian Mountains.
That "unique nature" being that you just really never know what could happen with the weather in these awesome mountains.

So we began up the trail with the understanding that we would just go as far as we could in our hiking shoes and turn around if needed.  Our original thoughts were to hike up to the junction with Meigs Creek Trail (4.1mls), and then down the manway to Spruce Flat Falls (approx. 3mls+), and back to trailhead.

We had not worn footwear for hiking in several inches of snow which is what we were encountering as we made our way past the first saddle and continued towards the intersection with Meigs Creek Trail.
After hiking in about 3 miles we decided it would probably be smart to turn around because the snow was still falling and I was beginning to notice the weather in my feet. Also the light gloves we had on were intended for protection from wind and mild exposure, not the snowy damp conditions we were involved with.

So rather than put ourselves at some potential risk of frostbite etc...we turned around. 
We thoroughly enjoyed the hike and wished, as usual, that we had more time in the woods!