Thursday, December 12, 2019

The AT south or west of Clingman's Dome

These pics are from a hike a few weeks ago I took with "Dave the hiker from Nashville", which was the Veterans Day weekend, and a fact which we did not figure into our plans. "Plans" which originally were to hike to LeConte via the Alum Cave trail but as we approached the trail cars started appearing parked on the sides of the road a 1/4 mile out, and continued a 1/4 mile past the trailhead parking.

We put that hike off for another day and continued up to the AT access at Clingman's Dome. This area was completely packed so we were glad to get out of the parking lot and in the woods!
This section of the AT, leaving Clingmans for Double Springs Gap, is fairly easy going that direction, minus a few rough spots, as it is losing altitude for the most part. Going down hill.
The return, thus, is a little bit more difficult . However this section of the AT is good for day hikes of various lengths and routes with many beautiful vistas! So "git a map" and start planning.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to explore that area some more. I'm sending a link to you now.


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