Friday, April 21, 2017

Peace Along the Trail

This walk in the woods Wednesday took me up the Rich Mtn. Trail, which is one I recommend accessing primarily from outside the park if you're doing just an in-and-out hike.  If you are in for a longer day hike with a lunch break at campsite #5, then you may want to coordinate your route with a visit to Cades Cove and begin the loop out of Cades Cove for about an 8-9ml route. And note that water is scarce in the dryer parts of the year (July-September). Thus make sure you've got an adequate supply or are ready to hunt some up around sight #5, which can be done, usually, by following the Rich Mtn. trail down a few hundred yards from the campsite.

The route I often choose involves approaching from Townsend and hiking the Rich Mtn Trail up to #5, then sometimes making the loop after a brief readjustment of footwear and drinking some water. This approach adds 4.6 miles to the loop.
Either approach to the completion of this loop should be considered moderately difficult due incline, elevation lost and gained, the distance and a lack of frequent water availability. 
Though it is one of my favorites as there is frequent wildlife encounters, lots of colors, even when they are just shades of green, and relatively few people use this trail thus, it's usually quiet.

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