Our hike began with the climb from the camping site up to the AT, and then continued north. All the other hikers were gone from the shelter and overflow area.
Eight miles into this days walk we got to see this monument at the gravesite for Mr. Nick Grindstaff (1851-1923). Described as a hermit, Nick lived on Iron Mtn. with his dog named "Panter", his cow, and a "pet" rattlesnake in a small cabin near where this monument is built. It's said that when his friend Baxter McEwen, stopped by his shack to check in on him and found him dead that old Nick's dog had to be restrained before they could remove his body. From what I can determine from what I have read this monument is atop his gravesite.
Seems that was a loyal old dog which was later buried beside Mr. Grindstaff, when it died.
His epitaph read, "He lived alone, suffered alone, and died alone", and it should be added that he was well liked by those who new him.
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