This young bear is on the verge of being relocated due to a it's level of comfort with humans. People who visit the GSMNP are not always aware of the effect their behaviors have on the animals and the wild world they are a part of. This bear lives along a very busy trail and frequently has the opportunity to sample plastic wrappers from snack bars and candy, underwear and diapers left in the trees (see the picture), and assorted paper products. Often I hear folks say how much they love this beautiful place and then drop their cigarette butt on the ground while their child tosses the plastic wrapper from the plastic straw attached to the corn syrup (fruit Juice) they are using for nutrtion.
"I love my national parks" but I can't understand why I have to pay taxes to maintain them, I want this but only if it does not cost me any effort or money"!
I love my country and show my respect for it by throwing my child's diapers in the tree and my recyclable plastic bottle along the trail. Hmmm?
If I hear another "god fearing" conservative preaching god and guns talk about his or her love for country as they spend their kids future today with their low milwage SUV's etc..., or throwing garbage out the window of the vehicle I'm going to ask them what kind of debt are they going to leave their kids? A debt represented on paper created by the dollar or the environmental debt represented by shorter life spans, increased levels of illness as a result of pollutions, wars for clean water and dwindling species diversity. An environmental deficit spurred by personal greed and self-satisfaction that you and your god can't buy you out of! Killing your children's future in gods name with acid rain and toxic coal sludge as "stewards" of the world and all it's creations?
We may still have a choice.
What is wrong with, and how hard is it to be responsible for carrying out your own trash? No one is asking you to be responsible for anyone but yourself. Ask your kid for permission each time you decide to throw something out the window of your vehicle and into their future. Peace
Right on!!
ReplyDeleteWay to build bridges and bring people together to help the mountains. You only hurt the Smokies by playing politics instead of trying your best to bring people together for our mountains. It's obviously easy on both sides to spew hate and stereotype. What is hard is to instead reach out, love, and include everyone for the mountains!
ReplyDeleteYea, I was pissed when I posted that, thank you for your feedback. However this informational blog is an avenue for the truth and some of those truths involve the threats to the natural beauty of this region. It would not be right if I/we were to only speak of the beauty of area and not mention the selfish, self-seeking behaviors which threaten these gifts. From the selfish profits of Mountaintop Removal Coal mining which destroys so much for so little, to the person who felt it OK to throw their child's diaper into the trees along a trail in a national park, we are confronted by previously unseen levels ignorance and arrogance. Those who just do not know the effects of their actions and those who just don't care about anyone else except themselves and those in their little world. We all are a part of this thing we call earth and we all are a part of what we will leave the children. Ask them if it's ok to pollute their bodies with our waste. Sometimes we must express our outrage else we are another part of the problem. Have I called an elected official and expressed my concern for the water I drink? or air I breath? Yes, more than once in the last week. Thanks again!